High salt commercial fertilizers and are killing the productivity of our soil! Every year soluble salt levels increase in our farm land due to the salt residue left behind by commercial fertilizers. The result is reduced plant nutrient uptake. Many agrologists and fertilizer retailers are recommending more and more high salt fertilizer as a solution to reduced fertilizer yield response. Yields are maintained for now, but soil salt toxicity increases compounding the problem. The result is higher input costs erery year
Low salt liquid starter fertilizers & low salt dry starter fertilizers reduce the amount of salt entering your soil eco-system. Starter fertilizer plays an important role in the development and emergence of seedlings. Without sufficient nutrient in the root zone, potential crop yield can be reduced. Yet not all starter liquid fertilizer is created equally.
ELEVEN is an agricultural fertilizer with a low salt index of 17.5. Nutrients are in water soluble (sulphate) form and nearly 100% available to seedlings in the crop growing season.
The nutrient analysis is 5% NITROGEN, 31% SINGLE & TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPATE, 5% POTASSIUM, 7% SULPHUR, 7% CALCIUM, 1% MAGNESIUM, 0.4% ZINC, 0.3% IRON, 0.4% BORON, 0.025% COPPER, and 0.2% MANGANESE
ELEVEN provides a total Macro and Micro nutrient farm fertilizer package to optimize early plant vigor and emergence without salt damage to the seedling. MAP (11-52-0) contains only nitrogen and phosphorus and the higher salt index reduces crop safety especially in dry seeding conditions.
Each granule of ELEVEN contains all nutrients required to "KICKSTART" your crop. All seed root hairs absorb the total nutrient package early, maximizing yield potential. Blended fertilizers cannot provide this nutrition to each plant. The nutrient available to the plant depends on which fertilizer prill is near the seed.
Nearly 100% of the Single & Triple Superphospate in ELEVEN is water soluble and readily available to the crop early. If you apply 100 lbs/acre, 31 lbs of phosphorus is available to the crop. Monomonium phosphate (MAP) has a phosphorus content of 52%. The problem with MAP is that between 50% and 80% of the phosphorus becomes tied up in the soil before the plant absorption can occur. The higher the PH of the soil, the more phosphorus in MAP becomes unavaliable to the crop.
ELEVEN has a salt index of 17.5. The same blend of 11-52-0, 0-0-60, and 20-0-0-24 has a salt index of 45.7 and requires 50%-60% more lbs/acre to achieve the same available nutrient level.
ELEVEN SUPERSTART has $400.00/MT more ingredients than MAP. MAP contains nitrogen and phosphorus. ELEVEN contains a complete nutrient package of Macronutrients and Micronutrients.
ELEVEN SUPERSTART is available in 1.0 MT mini-bulks and in bulk by 42.5 MT loads for large scale farm and market garden use.
ELEVEN SUPERSTART is available in 50 LB (22.7 KG) pails and 8 LB (3.6 KG) bags where smaller quantities are required.
Talk to an Avonlea farm fertilizer specialist for more information.